New Moon in Aquarius Guide
Happy New Moon in Aquarius beautiful soul and thank you for joining me on this journey. If you’ve never worked with the moon before, in astrology she represents feminine polarity in someone’s natal chart(among other things). Like the moon, as people, our bodies and souls go through cycles of growth, death, and rebirth. The moon and her phases represent the cycles of life and transformations we go through on our journeys in our bodies here on earth.
Lunar energy is powerful yet at the same time subtle. As we’ve all heard hundreds of times before, we are made of something like 60-70% of water and we know scientifically that the moon affects the tides of the oceans so why would the lunar energy not affect us, beings made of water, in a similar way?
To tune into and utilize her magic, you can start observing her cycles and which astrological sign she is in. On February 11, 2021 she is New in the sign of Aquarius. The phase of the “new moon” is when the moon and sun are in the same sign so we don’t see the moon because when the moon and sun are right next to each other the moon cannot reflect back the sun’s light. (I’m not big into science, that’s the best way I have to explain this phenomena ;) ). Think of it as a clean slate. A new beginning. The moon is starting her cycle once again. After the new moon she will start to grow and grow until she is full then release again. And then the cycle starts over.
Simply put, the new moon phase is an amazing time to set intentions, goals, manifestations etc. Think of it like planting a seed and as the moon grows the idea can grow. I want to note as well, sometimes the goals and intentions we plant at the new moon may take more or maybe even a lot more time than the length of one moon cycle and that is okay. That idea, intention, or goal may go through different phases as well.
Aquarius is the sign of the inventor AND the water bearer. So there is a mix of innovation while also nurturing and cleansing. What I love and admire about Aquarius energy is its rebellious nature. They challenge the status quo for the sake of humanity as a whole. Aquarian energy is concerned with creating community, envisioning for the future, technology, and finding ways to be free and liberated. (You may want to look at your Natal Astrology chart at to find what house Aquarius is in for you. This may give you direction on what may be a good area of your life to set intention around during this moon).
I am currently enrolled in a coaching certification and our last meet-up we did a lot of work around envisioning for the future and considering ways that our businesses not only serve ourselves but others as well. This isn’t about burning ourselves out by trying to save and help everyone but more of a reminder of the why behind what you are doing daily and how you are serving humanity. I think sometimes we do this by showing up as our true authentic self. In terms of Aquarius it feels to me as if we allow our own weird rebel out it may help others to feel safe to let their weird rebel out too.
I’ve seen a lot of posts recently saying this moon is especially potent for manifestation and I’m sure there are a lot of reasons why, tbh I haven’t looked into that too deeply but I imagine that it is because of the forward thinking and innovative energy of Aquarius partnered up with the potent energy of a new moon.
Here are some ways to celebrate and work in harmony with the moon’s energy right now. Remember, even the most mundane of tasks can be turned into a ritual if you set intention behind it.
1. Set intentions for your business, work, and/or community service. Get at your why! How do your actions impact society and your community directly and indirectly?
2. Vision board your goals for this moon cycle, year, or even next 5 years. Have fun with it!
3. Clean your home. Wash your sheets. Clean your bathroom. Organize your closet. The universe wants to help you create the life you want but first you need to make room for what it wants to bring you.
4. Write a thank-you note to the universe as if what you wanted already happened. An actual thank-you note. Get out the stationary, pen and paper and go to town! You can put this on your altar if you have one and then burn it at the full moon. Or you can just hang it up somewhere you can see it.
5. Light a small candle every day of the moon cycle to meditate on your vision for yourself and your community. (This meditation doesn’t have to be long, even a minute is great)!
I can’t wait to hear how these new moon rituals treated you! Let me know below how they went and what else about the moon and astrology you would like to know more about!