The 9th House: A Portal for Spiritual Healing and Evolution
I recently started teaching at a yoga studio in Nashville and after class one day I had the pleasure of catching up with my manager, Christina Lentz. From the moment of my first interview I felt deeply seen and understood by her, especially when to my surprise, she looked at me and said what is it you really want to teach? And I was ready with my answer…I want to teach a restorative class. Okay, we’ll get you on the books for restorative then, she replied. She was able to see what I was needing before I had the confidence to even express, as a good teacher or manager does, she asked the right questions to bring my truth and desire out of me. I wrote this off as excellent managerial skills, which of course she has, but upon my recent conversation with her I noticed something else. As we were chatting I asked, what is your sign? Aries she replied as the word was already hanging in my head.
Maybe I knew she was an Aries because of my astrological research or maybe it was because over the years I have found some of my deepest and challenging teachers have been Aries. I couldn’t help but make the connection. My first introduction into all things Reiki and Tarot was through my teacher Holly Ramey who is an Aries. Then I was certified as an empowerment coach through another Aries, Natalia Benson. Both of these teachers were the catalyst of deep learning, in particular around my connection to myself and the spiritual world. They both are confident women with a powerful drive that comes from a fire within, what is more Aries than that? I am a Taurus so there is definitely a yang to my yin when it comes to being in a relationship with Aries for me. (In astrology there is actually truth to that because Taurus is a yin sign and Aries a yang). My aries teachers showed me that productivity doesn’t have to be the enemy. That structure and spirituality can align. That there is a way to work with the fire element without burning yourself and others out.
Another one of my Aries teachers is my ex, he was my first love, and even though I am still healing from our parting ways I can easily say that the relationship played a big role in who I am today. His presence in my life served as one of my biggest life lessons. Like my other Aries teachers there was an opposites attract quality there. We were young when we started dating and I will speak for myself when I say, I had no idea what I truly wanted at the time. Or if I did I pushed it down in order to please everyone around me. As we grew together and apart I really had to look at my values, wants, and needs. Stepping out to be alone after our time together was an act of choosing myself before anyone else and I’m still practicing that every day. It felt so monumental and my passion for the concept of “self-love” grew so strong that I even chose a profession where I can help other people do the same. The phrase for Aries is “I am” which signifies Aries ability to, in a positive way, center the self.
Aries opposite sign is Libra, one that deals with relationships and who we are in relation to another. There is a time and a place for both and by looking at the opposite of Aries we can see how these two polarities have a place. If we become too focused on others we lose our identity and on the other hand if we only focus on our own needs all the time we lose connection and community. If you are like me, someone who has spent a lot of time focussing her attention outwards even becoming hyper-vigilant of the emotional and behavior responses of others, this attention to self that Aries provides me is extremely healing(and frightening). I don’t think it is a coincidence that some of my teachers that essentially become portals for my self-love healing journey have their sun signs in Aries. And because I am always curious, I decided to take a peek at the placement of Aries in my natal chart. And for me Aries falls on my 9th house, the house ruled by Sagittarius. This house is the location where you may find new perspectives and spiritual lessons. Some refer to it as the house of philosophy. I believe that this house holds the key to the search for finding our own personal truth.
It makes perfect sense then that some of my most influential teachers and loved ones, people that I started one way and during my relationship with them came out another, are Aries. I invite you to take a peek at your ninth house. Do the qualities of the sign on your ninth house hold any significance to you? Do you have significant teachers, friends, or loved ones that have their sun in this sign? What can the sign in your 9th house teach you?
To look at your chart I recommend using astrologer Chani Nicholas’s website