Massey Armistead
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Massey Armistead

Embodiment Coach

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Hi, my name is Massey Armistead. The truth is, I do not have the answers for you nor can I tell you the perfect path for you. What I can do is help you by holding space and facilitating ceremony and ritual with you. Together we can build your intuition and self-trust.
My mission is to help you root down into your truth, heart, and body to help you shine your light in the world. This work is not for the faint of heart. I want to help you face the parts of you that feel hard to face and help you live your life from the heart.


Shadow work, embodiment, and ritual are the three pillars of the work we’ll do together.


Shadow work: Shadow work is a term coined by Carl Jung. He describes shadow work as those aspects of the personality that we choose to reject and repress. For whatever reason, these parts of ourselves we decide are deemed unworthy or unable to love. When we are able to face these parts of ourselves and integrate them into our lives in a healthy way healing and true self-love happens.

Embodiment: Through an embodiment breathwork and movement practice I learned from my teacher Alexandra Roxo I will help you to connect to your body and get out of your head. This practice helps you integrate your shadow self mentioned above. This practice also gives you a safe place to express emotions that you may have pushed down through your day to day life. This practice helps you connect to your body and intuition.

Ritual: The last but certainly not least pillar of our work together is ritual. Ritual gives a safe structure for the mystical within us. Ritual takes the mundane moments in life and makes them magical. Through ritual we can connect to the energies of the earth, the elements, moon, spirits, ancestors, goddesses and most importantly ourselves. Ritual is devotional practice to ourselves and to spirit. Through ritual practice we prove to ourselves that we are worthy of devotion, love, and care.